John J. Pippin MD FACC at 10/10/09 Petland protest (source) |
Heimlich Maneuvered by Paul Teetor, LA Weekly, April 8, 2010:
In both its mission statement and its IRS filings, the Washington, D.C.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) says it is "strongly opposed to unethical human research." But the group is throwing a private Hollywood Art of Compassion bash Sunday night to hand out a major award named after Dr. Henry Heimlich, who has been condemned by mainstream medical organizations around the world for his 20-year program of trying to cure cancer and AIDS by injecting people with malaria-infected blood.
...Peter Heimlich says his father's malariotherapy research has been denounced as dangerous and irresponsible by the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization. In 2002 the WHO called malariotherapy "an example of clearly unscrupulous and opportune research." Five years later, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institutes of Health, said: "It is scientifically unsound, and I think it would be ethically questionable ... and it does have the fundamental potential of killing you."
A group of physicians files a federal complaint against UMMC by Julie Straw, WLBT (NBC affiliate) Jackson, MS, January 24, 2011:
First-year medical students at University of Mississippi Medical Center often learn through hands-on lab exercises involving live animals, in most cases pigs. The pigs are euthanized when it is over. At least one group of physicians called it cruel and unnecessary and wants it to stop.
On the web site homepage for Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine or PCRM, there is a piglet and a plea for UMMC to stop pig labs.
"To teach medical students you do not need to kill animals. Virtually nobody is doing it and UMMC is far behind the standard of practice in medical education," said PCRM cardiologist Dr. John Pippin.
...In a new twist, the son of a famous doctor is speaking out against PCRM. Peter Heimlich, son of Dr. Henry Heimlich who created the Heimlich maneuver, claims his father allegedly used people for controversial medical research. Dr. Heimlich serves on the board for PCRM which fights for ethical treatment of animals and humans.
"My concern is the organization seems to put the interest of pigs above human beings who are being subjected to violative medical research," said Peter Heimlich.
PCRM has been criticized by others as being a "PETA front group" and even promotes a vegan diet on their web site.
"I'd say they're fools," said Dr. Pippin.
the Heimlich atrocity experiments: correspondence between PCRM's John J. Pippin MD & Eric Matteson MD, the ...